Why we don’t need Sanger: Give the rebellious wife what she demands or the baby gets it!
Margaret Sanger is long gone, but her life’s work of fomenting feminist rebellion remains alive and well. We don’t need Sanger, because we have (collectively) taken up the mantle of… read more
Now he knows.
Earlier this week Bill Frezza rhetorically asked at Forbes why drunk female students are never described as irresponsible jerks. In our age of sexual equality, why drunk female students are almost… read more
The woman rebel.
Several commenters have objected to my connecting Margaret Sanger’s radio program with the larger feminist movement. Bluedog has a long and complicated explanation involving class which is specific to the one… read more
The roots of marriage counseling.
Marcus D linked to a column by feminist and historian Rebecca Onion titled Lock up your wives! Advice columns from decades past provide a chilling glimpse into the horrors of… read more
One at a time, please.
Aside from our inverting the roles of romantic love and marriage, another striking feature of our new view of sexual morality is the embrace of serial monogamy as the pinnacle… read more
Marriage of feminists and conservatives.
As I’ve mentioned in the past the convergence of feminists and conservatives, especially on the issue of marriage, is quite striking. Since conservatives lack an immovable reference point to anchor… read more
A husband’s plea to Catholic Answers Forum: Stop sowing discord in my house!
A little over a week ago a Catholic woman by the handle Be Courageous was disturbed that her husband wasn’t properly submitting to her headship, and decided to break out… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
Someone [with a penis] must do something!A commenter at the Daily Mail pointed out the absurdity of Mrs. Obama’s pouty faced tweet: Don’t give me your hastags Mrs Obama your husband… read more
Why isn’t Carl good enough?
I’ve joked in the past that it can be impossible to tell the difference between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists, but a Slate DoubleX article on women deliberately choosing single motherhood quoted by Steve… read more
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