Feminism would work if we didn’t have weak men screwing everything up.
Beta orbiting blogger James Russell Lingerfelt’s latest post is a republication of a post by Roger Sterling Jr titled 5 benefits of having a smart and successful wife. Sterling was deeply… read more
Advice from an expert (on failing as a husband).
Be afraid, be very afraid. This is the advice to husbands from modern Christian leaders. Where the Bible stresses headship and that our marriage vows bind us for life, the… read more
She sensed a disturbance in the mound.
A few weeks back a comment came up for moderation on Romance 101: How to stop frustrating your wife. The commenter’s handle was “you are all idiots”, and she explained that I’ve… read more
Solipsism as a religious experience.
The UK equivalent of the Girl Scouts recently decided to change their vow, replacing “love my God” with “be true to myself and develop my beliefs”. As the BBC explains… read more
Submission is something a wife must voluntarily offer.
The statement in the title is true, but is often used as a canard to nullify headship. It is offered as fine print which secretly negates the clear terms of… read more
Fragging Christian Headship
Lord God, as well, I pray for those men who are here that are cowards. They are silent passive impish worthless men. They are making a mess of everything in… read more
Brilliant advertising.
Viva La Manosphere highlighted a Barbarossaa post today with a new (to me) man up video featuring Pastor Mark Driscoll and Bill Bennett. These guys are the all stars of the man… read more
Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman.
When we talk in the sphere about what motivates women we focus heavily on the “tingle”, or sexual attraction. There is good reason for this, and nearly all men need… read more
No room for headship here.
As I explained before, all too often the topic of domestic violence is raised not in a good faith effort to protect against real abuse, but as a club against… read more
What is the domestic violence industry really about?
The Daily Beast has an article by Philip W. Cook titled In Cases of Domestic Violence, Men Are Also Victims (H/T Dr. Helen). Cook explains that despite the perception crafted by domestic… read more
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