A secret the KGB couldn’t have kept.
On my last post the discussion turned to how likely the average man was to have learned about the mechanics of sexual attraction. TFH argued that the time is approaching… read more
Suzanne Venker on women’s rights, men’s responsibilities, and why she divorced her first husband.
Several fellow bloggers expressed concern in the comments section of my last post that I might be creating an enemy out of an ally. After all, in her opinion pieces… read more
Suzanne Venker on what men are good for.
A year ago Suzanne Venker famously asked: Marriage: What’s in It for Men? …we must retract the message Boomers sent young women about female empowerment. Indeed, it isn’t a coincidence… read more
Is his wife abusive?
A man recently turned to yahoo answers for help with his question “My wife of 5 years grabbed me.?” A few night ago my wife and I got into an… read more
How the destruction of marriage is strangling the feminist welfare state.
The standard narrative is that feminism removed the artificial restrictions that were holding women back, and what we observe today is a level playing field. The Social Pathologist described this… read more
Feminist territory marking, NFL style.
I’m not a huge football fan, but for the past few years I’ve clicked on a game in October only to be repulsed by the sea of supplication. I don’t… read more
Christian denial and institutional resistance to change.
Defiant Collaboration There is a widely held belief among Christians, even in the manosphere, that Christians in general are standing up against feminism and the debasement of marriage but the… read more
Conservatives enabling feminism
From the definition of enabling at Wikipedia: A common example of enabling can be observed in the relationship between the alcoholic/addict and a codependent spouse. The spouse believes incorrectly that… read more
It’s a feature, not a bug.
Redditer simplecosine was kind enough to link to my post Threatpoint where I stated: ..divorce reform is all about redistributing power from the husband who wants to honor the marriage… read more
Cypher’s Problem
In his post Why Christians Need Game, Dalrock states the case thus: Christians need game because: 1. Abandoning the biblical frame of marriage kills the attraction wives feel for their… read more
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