Feminism is the parasitic passenger chivalry longs for.
In my previous post I noted that it took me many years of blogging before I recognized that chivalry and not feminism is the primary corrupter of modern conservative Christianity. … read more
Where most see girl power, Larry Kummer sees Dalrock’s Law of Feminism.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. — Dalrock’s Law of Feminism… read more
What is the blue pill?
Blogger Bnonn recently took a catty swipe at this blog and the larger Christian men’s sphere in a sixteen part tweet. 1/16 There are lots of folks calling themselves red… read more
Weak men really *are* screwing feminism up.
I have recently had the benefit of multiple email exchanges with Larry Kummer, Editor of the Fabius Maximus website. What follows is an edited version of one such exchange, with Larry’s gracious… read more
She joined the feminist brotherhood.
The Seattle Times has a new article up today about a girl playing high school football: A battle for respect, then in the trenches: For Newport’s Jenna Martz, football is… read more
Chivalry’s mortal enemy: Toxic masculinity.
George Yancy at the New York Times confesses his sin: I am a failed and broken feminist. More pointedly, I am sexist. There are times when I fear for the… read more
How can men help girls see her and be her?
Back in June of 2016 The Association of National Advertisers and its Alliance for Family Entertainment launched an initiative titled #SeeHer, to boost girls’ self esteem by making sure women are portrayed… read more
He knelt like a true gentleman.
Pulpit & Pen writes in Beth Moore Has Man Get on His Knees, Apologize on Behalf of All Men (emphasis mine): Moore started her career as a teacher for women,… read more
How chivalry (and mamma’s boys) brought us women’s suffrage and feminism.
On the Moral Superiority of Women explains how suffragists turned traditional conservatives’ chivalrous arguments against them. Chivalry/courtly love teaches that women are the source of manners and morality, and that… read more
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