Men make ultimate sacrifice; women and children hardest hit.
Sarah Boesveld of the Canadian National Post wrote an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of men standing aside and drowning so that women on the Titanic could enjoy additional leg… read more
Trad Con Tourette’s
Definition Trad Con Tourette’s Syndrome (TCTS) is a mental disorder suffered by many Traditional Conservatives, characterized by involuntarily blurting out feminist slogans and/or pedestalizing women. Causes and symptoms The cause… read more
The women at Christianforums are outraged!
You may recall the Christian forum I linked to in my post From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage. They are outraged that their private conversation on the… read more
How to paint the bias against fathers as unfair to mothers.
that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan. — Leo Rosten on… read more
At least I’m banned in China.
I’m really ticked at the Southern Poverty Law Center. They left me off a list of evil mean manosphere sites. Congrats to Ferdinand, Roosh, A Voice For Men, The False… read more
Stanton’s Heroes
For those not already familiar with Glenn Stanton, he is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He writes with great pride about the 38% divorce… read more
A case for anger.
In my last post Do not be alarmed some commenters pointed out that Ms. Duffy isn’t just dismissing the concerns of men in the manosphere because she felt men were to… read more
Do not be alarmed.
New commenter thule222 shared a link the other day to a blog post on the “balanced”* “religion and spirituality” site Patheos by Elizabeth Duffy titled Complementarity, Not Competition. I’m alarmed… read more
Will the real Sheila Gregoire Please Stand Up?
I’ve always assumed Sheila Gregoire was a naive, sheltered housewife who didn’t really understand that our society and the church is in the final throes of a massive culture war. … read more
Does Sheila Gregoire think her own life is worth more than yours?
In Sheila Gregoire’s post and syndicated column Women and Children First? A Feminist Tragedy, she is outraged that men didn’t offer to follow a women and children first (WACF) policy… read more
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