Men behaving badly, or speaking ill of the dead?
With all of the hand wringing about the lack of an official women and children first policy on the wrecked Costa Concordia, one would think that the ordinary men on… read more
Women have rights, men have responsibilities.
In my last post The gift transformed into a debt I pointed out a group of traditional conservative women who were shamelessly discussing what men owe them, even down to… read more
The gift transformed into a debt.
Blessed is he who expects no gratitude, for he shall not be disappointed. – W.C. Bennett Back in 1852 the troop ship HMS Birkenhead sank in shark infested waters off… read more
Why have misandry delivered when you can bake it at home?
Misandry in commercials is standard fare, but every now and then a commercial manages to catch my attention. I always mute commercials and as a result the visual impact of… read more
Marriage lite: mistaking “No sex before monogamy” for a moral statement
One of the more dangerous concepts of our time is the conflation of serial monogamy with actual marriage. Once this fatal mistake is made, the foundation is set to presume… read more
Don’t Hit Me I’m A Girl!
One of the fascinating things about men and women is how often each sex fails entirely to understand the intra sex interactions of the other. Many of the men commenting… read more
Chump in Chief
From Real Clear Politics (see the video there): Barbara Walters, ABC News: “What is your biggest peeve of each other?” President Obama: “I don’t have one.” Walters: “Aww.” Michelle Obama:… read more
Blowing the Whistle on the Domestic Violence Research Paradigm
This paper may already have made its rounds through the manosphere, but I stumbled onto it a few months back and I think it is very much worth sharing here. … read more
Eat, Pray, Cats
There are two competing narratives when it comes to women divorcing. The first is the feminist narrative: I don’t need a man! or A woman needs a man like a… read more
The missing fear
Women tend to fear a lot of different things. This makes sense given their vulnerability. Most men are wired to want to protect women and this includes protection from living… read more
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