Authority always comes with responsibility, whether you accept it or not.
Women in our culture have become incredibly nonchalant about raising children without a father. We have gone from seeing this as a failure compared to the traditional model (where single… read more
Unwed mother? Blame feminism.
Unwed Mother Baby Mama Single Mother Choice mother Failure The label is a matter of personal preference, but if you aren’t married to the father of your children and you… read more
Sudden outbreak of patriarchy in the occupy wallstreet camp.
Several readers have pointed out the news stories on the woman who has ditched her roles as wife and mother for the excitement of tramping around in the Occupy Wall… read more
The word “husband” as bragging rights.
One of the more common misconceptions in the manosphere is that women don’t place any cachet in being married. A surprising number of men have inadvertently swallowed the feminist misdirection… read more
Do women want to get married?
Several of the commenters in the discussion on my post All the lonely feminist spinsters challenged my assertion that women want to get married. Krakonos accused me of being old… read more
Men and women are both more trusting of men
Forbes.com has a new article up titled: Men Cooperate More with Each Other than Women Do (H/T Uncle Elmer). The article is by Victoria Pynchon, who is responding to a meta… read more
Advanced spinster mathematics
Badger has an outstanding post up today titled Spinster Math where he suggests we could be witnessing a very important change regarding involuntarily unmarried women in the US. I’m not… read more
Nothing is more subversive than the truth
The culture war is over. Feminism won. Feminism has completed its long march through the institutions of the west. Even the church is collaborating with an enthusiasm which would have… read more
Feminist nostalgia for traditional gender roles.
After writing my last post on Cord Ivanyi teaching boys chivalry I found a story on the same topic by ABC News. It had a hilarious quote by the acting… read more
Cord Ivanyi is not a mangina!
Back in February of last year Aol News ran a piece about a Latin teacher named Cord Ivanyi at Gilbert Classical Academy who was teaching chivalry to the boys in… read more
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