Feral Females
Courtly love is always sexual, even when non physical.
Red Pill Latecomer noted that courtly love is considered pure, in part because it doesn’t involve sex: But as I learned it, the highest form of Courtly Love was chaste…. read more
What about the fathers?
Last year Kathryn Edin wrote in The Shriver Report about low income single fathers, in a piece titled What About the Fathers? She thought she knew all about these men,… read more
Don’t play hard to get.
Robert Stacy McCain gets close, but misses the fact that women’s sexual impulses are no more naturally “pure” than men’s sexual impulses. What feminist ideology tells young women they should… read more
The ugly feminist secret weapon.
Feminist Allison Hope reveals her secret weapon at XO Jane (archive): …I had cracked the code on women’s dominance. It was invisible but had been there all along. Ladies, we… read more
New book by F. Roger Devlin
F. Roger Devlin contacted me and offered me a copy of his new book Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization. Since it is only $3.49 for the… read more
He left out harlots.
Deep Strength pointed out a blog post by NYC Pastor which has feminists (Christian and otherwise) up in arms: 10 Women Christian Men Should Not Marry. As Deep Strength notes,… read more
Put a ring on it!
So she can take it off. Until you had enough then you took that ring off You took that ring off So tired of the lies and trying, fighting, crying… read more
Making the world safe for foolish promiscuous women.
I stumbled on a recent piece by Ezra Klein at Vox titled “Yes Means Yes” is a terrible law, and I completely support it. It is a remarkably frank discussion… read more
Selling sin.
Recently a self described conservative Christian mother of 5 came to scold me for criticizing the Christian Broadcasting Network’s endorsement of actress Janine Turner’s book praising single mothers: I encountered your blog… read more
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