Feral Females
Now he knows.
Earlier this week Bill Frezza rhetorically asked at Forbes why drunk female students are never described as irresponsible jerks. In our age of sexual equality, why drunk female students are almost… read more
A tragic tale of strippers, hamsters, thugs, and baby mommas.
Lisa Fogerty at Cafe Mom spins a mother thinking with her genitals as an act of kindness: But plenty of women make that call to get involved with men who… read more
Not the real stepdad.
Not new, but new to me from the Onion: You’re Not My Real Stepdad! You’re not the boss of me. You’re not the guy who married my mom after she… read more
Slutting made her a better Christian.
Dianna Anderson at The Frisky explains how rejecting sexual morality makes her more moral in Girl Talk: What Losing My Virginity Taught Me About Faith This also isn’t a conversion… read more
Yiayia wouldn’t approve
In Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom I pointed out that our great grandmothers understood the nature of women’s temptation to sin. What is fascinating is we know this, even though we have… read more
Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom.
Repackaging modern thought into a Christian and counter cultural sounding message is extremely common, and something I’m convinced conservative Christian men and women do without ever being aware of what… read more
One at a time, please.
Aside from our inverting the roles of romantic love and marriage, another striking feature of our new view of sexual morality is the embrace of serial monogamy as the pinnacle… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
Marriage of feminists and conservatives.
As I’ve mentioned in the past the convergence of feminists and conservatives, especially on the issue of marriage, is quite striking. Since conservatives lack an immovable reference point to anchor… read more
Why isn’t Carl good enough?
I’ve joked in the past that it can be impossible to tell the difference between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists, but a Slate DoubleX article on women deliberately choosing single motherhood quoted by Steve… read more
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