Feral Females
Harming your kids for attention and profit.
Not all women are cut out to be professional divorcées. While she may lack talent and want to be a writer, a woman may find she never pretended to make… read more
Dr. Phil enforcing the feminine imperative.
Now that almost all Christians have abandoned the Biblical frame of sexual morality nearly everyone has unknowingly filled the void with what Rollo calls the feminine imperative. The new rules… read more
Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.
The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is. It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent. … read more
If we were as foolish about male sexuality as we are about female sexuality.
Several readers objected to my post Feral females in the news because they read it as me asserting that girls aged 6-9 naturally tend to compete sexually for boys. This… read more
Feral females in the news.
There is a new study making the headline rounds about 6-9 year old girls wanting to be sexy. As so often happens the actual name of the study is not… read more
Women are innately good.
I’ve mentioned Glenn T. Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies for Focus On The Family before in this blog. As you might recall he has bragged that the most faithful… read more
Raising Feral Females.
I was talking with a good friend of mine roughly a year ago about what I had been reading in the manosphere. At the time I hadn’t started blogging yet… read more
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