How long does IVF allow a woman to delay having children?
The New Scientist has a new article up titled: When should you get pregnant? Computer knows age to start trying. Happy with just one? The model recommends you get started… read more
Exploding 50 something pregnant women.
Drudge had a link today titled “More women waiting until 50 to have children…”. The article it points to is from myfoxny.com, titled 51 and pregnant: Tracey Kahn is a… read more
Committed to the trail
No room to turn around Anyone who has ever done any off-roading knows the danger of inadvertently becoming committed to a trail. If you aren’t careful you can become too… read more
Charts on delayed motherhood
As so often happens the discussion in the comments section to a recent post turned to the issue of delayed marriage & motherhood*. In this specific case we were discussing… read more
Misinformation on later life pregnancy.
Note: I don’t have any malice for women who have children later in life, and I don’t want to cause women who are over 35 and pregnant any concerns. As… read more
Last one down the aisle wins part 1.
This book came out roughly a year or so ago, and while I recall some note of it in the manosphere I don’t recall anyone writing a blog post on… read more
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