Jake Ultra
Click here to download the PDF file of the following short story. — “Fascist scum! Eat shit!” A stream of liquid shot onto Jake’s face. His eyes immediately began burning…. read more
The Endgame That The Occult Elite Has Planned For You
Dear Citizen of the World, Have you read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? Do you remember this letter from autumn 1999? Likely, no, you don’t. The former… read more
How Old Dystopian Science Fiction Predicted Our Future
The BBC recently ran an article describing how the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger action film The Running Man contained many supposedly accurate predictions of a dystopian future. The article makes many… read more
6 Reasons To Create Fat Control Laws And Obesity-Free Zones
Lately, gun-free zones and gun control laws are all the rage among the globalists and liberals of all shapes (usually circular) and sizes . Those measures, solely aimed at disarming the… read more
How Human Beings Will Choose To Enslave Themselves With Virtual Reality
Pete was using his virtual reality device to explore a moon of Jupiter when a notification popped up on his display: “Dream Recorder is now here. Record your dreams. Limited… read more
When Jethro Exposed The Computer Simulation We’re Living In
“Remember when you spawned Hitler?” Fodos asked. “Remember?” Ghartek replied. “That was the highlight of my career! But it almost crashed the simulation.” “What I loved about it is how you weaved Biblical themes into… read more
Why Sexual Socialism In America Would Improve The Lives Of Men
A great disparity of wealth exists amongst the Western nations and it begs for resolution. A select few, through no direct doing of their own, possess greater wealth than all… read more
International Outrage: Men Around The World Try To Stop Make-Up Artist Lecture Tour
Controversy has spread in recent days as an increasingly vocal chorus in both the media and government has warned of the impending visit of a famous “make-up artist.” Stacey Sexalot,… read more
If Big Bertha Is Not Satisfied, A Man Will Be Executed
With California on the verge of state bankruptcy, politicians looked for creative ways to balance the budget. One idea was to put out a call to the entertainment industry for partnerships… read more
Two Fathers
Timothy went with his fathers for a day of shopping at the mall to decorate his new room. He was getting tired halfway through but perked up when they suggested… read more
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