Finding a Spouse
Solomon as Lancelot: Song of Solomon viewed through the lens of chivalry/courtly love.
I stumbled upon a tragically funny post that contorts Song of Solomon into the form of the religion created to mock Christianity, courtly love (what we call chivalry). The post… read more
The weakened signal hits home.
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not… read more
The marriage marketplace connection to China’s ghost cities.
Way back in 2011 I wrote an off topic post on China’s ghost cities. With the current trade war with China I’ve been watching some youtube videos to try to… read more
Marriage and children were always her priority.
I recently came across a heartbreaking article at National Catholic Register that underlines why all of the books aimed at young Christian women telling them to focus on having fabulous… read more
She wasn’t God’s best.
Adam Piggott makes an astute observation about Wendy Griffith’s claim that God doesn’t want women to settle in Are you special enough for women like Wendy? …when it comes to selecting… read more
Worth the wait?
I see from a CBN youtube video titled Worth the wait from March 8, 2019 that Wendy Griffith is now married: CBN’s newly married Wendy Griffith and author of You… read more
Taking things too far.
What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. This seems to be an artifact… read more
For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
Thoughts on conducting a proper manhunt.
Commenter Rachel asked a question a little over a week ago: I have a bunch of teenage daughters. I try to teach them to respect their father and men in… read more
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