Finding a Spouse
Women should reduce their expectations of courtship.
I originally posted this as a comment in the excellent discussion at CMD-N’s latest post Courting and the Evangelical American Princess. Van Rooineck warned women of the unintended consequences of… read more
Are young marriages doomed to divorce?
In part one of this series I proposed a model for women to skip the carousel and marry young, provided they can find a husband they are head over heels… read more
How young should a woman marry? (Part 1)
One of the common topics of the manosphere/androsphere is women setting about finding husbands in all of the wrong ways. The most common mistake women are making today is wasting… read more
Mentu is brutally funny!
Crass site/post warning, but if that doesn’t deter you check out 5 Easy Steps to Get Him to Propose: 1. Do your market research. Determine what the men you find attractive… read more
Rules of the road for fornication.
Fly Fresh and Young (FFY) has a post where he ponders the morality of being a player, titled Are women “collateral damage”? (H/T In Bona Fida): Look, I love women…. read more
How should Christian men respond to slutty women? Marry them!
Commenter Bob asked the following on Badger’s A Reply To Cadence on Sex, Commitment and Spinning Plates: I just have to say, as a Christian man, I find it near impossible… read more
Mark Driscoll’s feminist foolishness posing as Christian wisdom.
Several readers have asked that I share my perspective on Pastor Mark Driscoll’s recent Washington Post piece Why men need marriage. Driscoll opens his contribution to the man up and… read more
The weakened signal
Paul Murray recently made a comment which fits with a theory of mine on how men and women decide when to get married: PA is reading the situation at work… read more
The College Boyfriend
The more I think about the way women approach the question of sexual morality and women’s sexual history, the more I’m convinced that women strongly tend to boil all of… read more
The one that got away.
My wife has been suggesting that I write a post on Katy Perry’s song/video: In the video we see an elderly Katy Perry who still mopes around pining for a… read more
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