Finding a Spouse
A Detailed Description of Divorce Fantasy
If you didn’t read this blog it would be easy to have the impression that divorcées have the midas touch, and everything falls in their favor. Given how prevalent this… read more
Does divorce make people happy?
One of the most common and typically unchallenged assumptions about divorce is that despite all of the destruction it causes it at least makes people happier. Specifically, there is a… read more
Economics of sex
I just found this article on The Washington Times Economy of sex: It’s cheap these days. It confirms much of what we have been discussing here. For example, not long… read more
Are the vast majority of women truly incapable of experiencing reciprocal love and attraction?
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore –Vincent van Gogh Hana makes the… read more
You are cordially invited to a hamster hunt
Grab your riding gear (kit?) and your best tracking dogs, we are in for a hamster hunt. Being a gracious host, we won’t just be chasing one hamster, but two!… read more
Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them.
I wrote this as a comment on the good Captain’s site, but since it is stuck in moderation I thought I would share it here as well. In the Captain’s… read more
Why we need to stop telling women to settle.
Received wisdom in the manosphere is that women need to settle. I have to say I enjoy a good hamster carpet bombing as much as the next guy. But in… read more
Flexibility Matrix.
When writing the post on advice to a woman looking to marry in her 30s, I suggested she consider what good qualities in a man she would be willing to… read more
Advice to a woman in her 30s looking to marry.
Anonymous posed the following question in the comments section of Last one down the aisle wins part 1: Dalrock – I understand the warning to the younger women to avoid… read more
Last one down the aisle wins part 2: The data.
In part 1 of this series I promised to go through the statistic shared in this book in a later post. The key statistic used to justify the arguments in… read more
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