Finding a Spouse
Last one down the aisle wins part 1.
This book came out roughly a year or so ago, and while I recall some note of it in the manosphere I don’t recall anyone writing a blog post on… read more
Newsflash: My marriage still doesn’t suck!
I stumbled on a post by Captain No Marriage recently which makes me think I have been remiss: Newsflash: Marriage Sucks ……Still! (crass site warning). It starts off describing a… read more
The cost of sluthood.
Paige commented on the Doomed Harlot is a slut! post that sex positive feminists harm less attractive women by pointing out that the prettiest women don’t pay a price for… read more
Awkward Family Photos.
Until this weekend, aside from my wife and daughter no one who knows me in real life knows about the blog. I told my sister about it over the weekend,… read more
If you are like me, you know quite a few young men, parents, and young women who would benefit greatly from understanding the realities of attraction and the sexual marketplace. … read more
Misery and vice.
Thomas Robert Malthus is arguably the most misunderstood economist/philosopher of all time. His name today is synonymous with the antithesis of the point he was actually making; Malthus was not… read more
Supply and demand in the marriage market.
My last post Starting young featured a five year old girl who was already practicing saying no to prospective suiters. As Elusive Wapiti pointed out, it is fairly evident that… read more
Should you game your prospective wife into submission?
Vox Day gives advice to a reader named LS in his post Alpha Mail: to marry or not to marry. LS feels like he has found a woman with unique… read more
Marriage is bad for women.
Well, this is embarrassing. I was going to do a satirical writeup on a group of news stories selling divorce, but no matter how hard I try it just isn’t… read more
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