Finding a Spouse
When do I get to start having fun?
Our daughter stayed home sick yesterday and was talking with my wife. Somewhat out of the blue she asked When do I get to start having fun? Not sure of… read more
Judging the performance.
One of the things which strikes me when reading women’s accounts of dating is how completely unaware some of them are that they are a participant on a date and… read more
Why is the marriage deck stacked against women?
Haley revisits the issue of settling in her thoughtful post titled Charlotte Lucas did right. She walks us through the plot of Pride and Prejudice to describe how a pragmatic… read more
Women’s expectations in marriage.
I found the following video about men’s and women’s expectations regarding marriage on the blog What Men Are Saying About Women Sex Differences: Why Won’t Men Commit? Not a bad… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
The Husband Store
I didn’t make this joke up, but I think it fits well with topics on the manosphere. A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City, where… read more
On gun control and wimpy betas.
The topic of wimpy betas is a common one in the manosphere. While being wimpy is not part of the definition of being beta, in practice it often seems that… read more
So you want alpha?
You’ve read about what an alpha actually is, and you still know this is what you want. You’ve considered rolling your own alpha and even marrying a beta and then… read more
Roll your own alpha?
One of the blogs on my blogroll is Haley’s Halo. Haley is a Christian woman in search of a suitable Christian man to marry. From reading her blog, I gather… read more
Stable Positions on the Monogamy-Hypergamy Continuum.
I noticed a paradox when reading the recent blog posts at Lost Art of Self Preservation for Women and Hooking Up Smart on Jaclyn Friedman (Not Safe For Your Lunch)… read more
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