Finding a Spouse
A challenge to traditionalists.
Commenter thedeti wrote in response to A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market. I seem to remember Cane Caldo saying something like this. I had Cane’s comments in mind when I wrote… read more
A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market.
One comment I see from fathers with surprising regularity is that their unmarried daughter is in a great position to find a husband because she’s not remotely interested in the… read more
What could possibly go wrong?
I offered this as a comment over at Instapundit, in response to a post on the impending sexbot revolution. Time is the modern woman’s real enemy here, with technology merely… read more
If she can’t demand a husband then how do we expect her to demand salvation?
Lori Alexander quoted my post as well as many of the replies in her recent post What Men Thought of My Viral Post. One woman responded to this most recent… read more
The cost of sluthood.
Note: I don’t think I’ve ever reposted a previous blog post before, but with the Christian feminist outrage over Lori Alexander’s sensible advice to young Christian women on how to… read more
Well played.
The Federalist is outraged at blatant Christian legalism when it comes to selecting a spouse: Women Prefer Physically Fit Men With Good Jobs And No Criminal Record Recently, there have… read more
Fighting choice addiction.
To my future husband: I know you will be worth the wait! — Wendy Griffith, Age 53* Choice addiction is part intoxication with the process of judging suitors, and part… read more
Someday we’ll laugh!
Commenter Ofelas pointed out the absurdity of the main character in Cat Person imagining how much a future boyfriend would enjoy hearing about her having sex with other men: …she… read more
She made a mistake once.
She thought she was wrong, but it turned out she wasn’t. This is the lesson Wendy Griffith learned in the process of becoming a 53 year old never married career… read more
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