Finding a Spouse
The heartache of entitlement.
Novaseeker notes that Wendy Griffith is well above average in attractiveness for women her age, and speculates that she really isn’t serious about finding a husband: Griffith is well, well… read more
Devouring a lifetime of courtship.
I’ve written in the past about women’s complaints that men aren’t meeting their expectations for courtship, and why it is entirely rational for men to either withdraw from traditional courtship… read more
Sounds promising.
Via Dr. Helen at Instapundit: IN THE MAIL: From Shawn T. Smith, The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage. I was interviewed for… read more
A very long season (part 2).
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, –Colossians 3:12, ESV In part 1 I described the feminist life script of… read more
She doesn’t need a man. Why hasn’t God sent her a husband?
I plan on getting around to part two of Monday’s post later in the week. In the meantime, I see that Mandy Hale was busy on Twitter yesterday, with her… read more
A very long season (part 1).
For several decades now the feminist life script for women has been to delay marriage as long as possible to focus on education, career, travel, and sexual experience. Many have… read more
Romance is sexual.
Boxer astutely notes (emphasis mine): Some of you guys are assuming something salacious in these inappropriate father-daughter relationships, but it’s not necessary for the father and daughter to have physical… read more
Jane’s noble path to marriage.
Seriouslypleasedropit comments on Most men are not afraid of commitment: Bob and Jane have some sort of prelude romance and move in together. Either because Bob is just that cool,… read more
At least this story has a happy ending.
This man dodged a bullet. Some additional thoughts. Abuse is defined as anything and everything that makes a woman unhappy. Just because a woman is sweating you to get married,… read more
Why there is a controversy about women teaching/preaching Scripture and doctrine.
Commenter Amy Wilson asked in response to Four legs good, two legs better: I am also very concerned about the slippery slope we see of feminist redefining of the plain… read more
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