Finding a Spouse
Continuing the conversation.
The previous post at Courtship Pledge garnered an excellent discussion with 139 (and counting) comments. Donal Graeme furthers the conversation with his guest post: Getting the Ball Rolling: Networking read more
Rebuilding what is forgotten.
Scott with Courtship Pledge was kind enough to take up a question of mine in his post: How to send the right signal to the red-pill guys in church? I’ve… read more
2014 Never Married Data
The Census finally got around to publishing the 2014 Families and Living Arrangements tables. As I’ve done in the past, my focus is on the trend of never married White… read more
He left out harlots.
Deep Strength pointed out a blog post by NYC Pastor which has feminists (Christian and otherwise) up in arms: 10 Women Christian Men Should Not Marry. As Deep Strength notes,… read more
A simple test.
Vox Day warns his readers not to place too much stock in a woman’s stated opinion on divorce when considering her suitability for marriage: Don’t pay much attention to her… read more
Single men with jobs are becoming a scarce commodity.
The new Pew study has gotten a great deal of attention. Suddenly everyone is noticing that as women continue to delay marriage their prospects are getting less rosy. One finding… read more
From celibate boyfriend to celibate husband (true love doesn’t wait).
Pugsley’s story shows the folly of the celibate boyfriend: When I met my then boyfriend-now husband, I told him right away that I was saving myself for marriage and he… read more
Rolling back the odometer
The AFP explains how Tunisian women are suffering the injustice of having to trick men into marriage after they tire of riding the carousel: Social pressures force Tunisia women to… read more
Rationalizing sluttery as a path to marriage.
Meet Kristina from Rolling Stone’s Tales From the Millennials’ Sexual Revolution: …she doesn’t want to date; she wants to have sex, which thanks to the fact that she is cute and… read more
Stiff competition.
The competition for the title of the Christian Manosphere’s biggest cliché is heating up. Watch out Jenny Erikson, the upcoming movie Christian Mingle will be hard to beat: ‘Christian Mingle’ is… read more
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