Modern Christian culture’s deep antipathy for fathers.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: 3 “that it may be well… read more
Don’t blame Heartiste for the equation of Alpha with virtue.
One of the more common complaints about Game is that its proponents challenge our modern value structure by equating sexual attractiveness with virtue in men. This is an especially common complaint… read more
This means war.
A reader recently asked for my thoughts on the upcoming Kendrick brothers movie “War Room”. After doing some digging on the movie, my initial thought was of the line from the Tropic… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
Worse than fear. Worse than malice.
In the discussion of my last post Gunner Q suggested that the reason modern Christians don’t support biblical marriage is due to fear: Perhaps the answer is that modern Christians just… read more
How her affair and the Book of Oprah fixed their marriage and brought them closer to God.
From the DFW megachurch that brought us the man site, I present ReEngage. If Fireproof didn’t make you a believer*, the video here will. There is of course a twist;… read more
The new sexual morality: Will the bra open for you?
There is a moral frame embedded in the tingle detecting bra video which most viewers won’t notice because this frame is our new normal. The three types of men thwarted… read more
Twisted Scripture.
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable. There is for example a cottage industry to explain away… read more
Call the Kendrick brothers!
I think we’ve found the script for the sequel to Fireproof. Empathologism shares a lesson to Christian husbands in his post The reverse nuclear option, the submissive Christian wife. The lesson… read more
Fragging Christian Headship
Lord God, as well, I pray for those men who are here that are cowards. They are silent passive impish worthless men. They are making a mess of everything in… read more
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