Trad Con Tourette’s
Definition Trad Con Tourette’s Syndrome (TCTS) is a mental disorder suffered by many Traditional Conservatives, characterized by involuntarily blurting out feminist slogans and/or pedestalizing women. Causes and symptoms The cause… read more
Rules of the road for fornication.
Fly Fresh and Young (FFY) has a post where he ponders the morality of being a player, titled Are women “collateral damage”? (H/T In Bona Fida): Look, I love women…. read more
Women are innately good.
I’ve mentioned Glenn T. Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies for Focus On The Family before in this blog. As you might recall he has bragged that the most faithful… read more
Stanton’s Heroes
For those not already familiar with Glenn Stanton, he is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He writes with great pride about the 38% divorce… read more
If Mark Driscoll weren’t so foolish he would be wise.
This at least seems to be the consensus amongst his defenders on my last post. While you ponder this, I’ll offer some more Mark Driscoll gold courtesy of Relevant magazine: … read more
Mark Driscoll’s feminist foolishness posing as Christian wisdom.
Several readers have asked that I share my perspective on Pastor Mark Driscoll’s recent Washington Post piece Why men need marriage. Driscoll opens his contribution to the man up and… read more
We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan
I know for many of you this really isn’t a bad place. If you are a feminist or a player, this is pretty close to paradise. But if you are… read more
Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family praises “heroic” unwed mothers
Baby mamas of the world rejoice! Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family thinks you are a hero! They are largely single moms, I mean very few kids are being… read more
Boundless is their foolishness.
Captain Capitalism has a post up on a topic I have been mulling over. The post is titled The Lord Will Not Provide and refers to a post on Boundless… read more
Raising Feral Females.
I was talking with a good friend of mine roughly a year ago about what I had been reading in the manosphere. At the time I hadn’t started blogging yet… read more
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