Escoffier on Modernity
During the discussion of Worse than fear. Worse than malice. Escoffier offered an outstanding explanation of our modern sense of moral progress. This was worthy of a stand alone post, and Novaseeker has… read more
Worse than fear. Worse than malice.
In the discussion of my last post Gunner Q suggested that the reason modern Christians don’t support biblical marriage is due to fear: Perhaps the answer is that modern Christians just… read more
From the UK based The Marriage Foundation publication Divorce rates have halved for new brides. Why?: Because it is almost entirely the reduction of wife-granted divorces concentrated into the early years of… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
Someone [with a penis] must do something!A commenter at the Daily Mail pointed out the absurdity of Mrs. Obama’s pouty faced tweet: Don’t give me your hastags Mrs Obama your husband… read more
Rationalizing sluttery as a path to marriage.
Meet Kristina from Rolling Stone’s Tales From the Millennials’ Sexual Revolution: …she doesn’t want to date; she wants to have sex, which thanks to the fact that she is cute and… read more
Denying the existence of feminism.
Women want to marry and have daddies for their babies. But if they can’t find good men to commit themselves to, well… Our most pressing social problem today is a… read more
How her affair and the Book of Oprah fixed their marriage and brought them closer to God.
From the DFW megachurch that brought us the man site, I present ReEngage. If Fireproof didn’t make you a believer*, the video here will. There is of course a twist;… read more
Feminists are ugly.
This is an old charge against feminists, but one which has typically only been considered superficially. The real reason feminists are ugly has nothing to do with their physical appearance…. read more
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