Remaking the princess, evicting the prince.
Disney has a new television program about a young princess in training titled Sofia The First. Nancy Kanter (Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide) explained… read more
Vox explains Dalrock’s Law
Vox Day explains a key reason behind Dalrock’s Law in his post Alpha Male: the magic preference (emphasis mine): Read between the lines. All women should try it at least… read more
Single mothers and the failure of Christian men; it is time to Man Up!
I pointed out in Light years closer to God that Christian men are failing women, and the primary failure is their unwillingness to confront the mass feminist rebellion. As a man calling… read more
Light years closer to God.
One of the Dallas/Fort Worth megachurches has a web page called The Man Site. They offer what they call mansources: Be a Better Man Looking for some resources to help… read more
What we need is more chivalry!
Brendan/Novaseeker made an insightful comment a while back describing what he sees as the core disagreement between the manosphere and non manosphere “traditionalists”: Actually I think the basis of it… read more
The Long March of Envy.
Italian Paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade While the official claim is that integrating women into combat roles is to provide the largest possible pool of capable forces to draw from,… read more
Let them eat cake.
Let them pay child support. There is at the very least much controversy regarding who (if anyone) actually said the famous line attributed to Marie Antoinette. However, regardless of the… read more
Psychoanalysis for me but not for thee
Update: Zippy and I have agreed to disagree. Here is my most recent comment to Zippy at his site: Dalrock: I presume it is mutual that we are past the… read more
How the feminine imperative “just happens”.
Sunshine Mary has been digging into the feminine imperative, trying to understand the mechanics of it. In challenging the concept she is doing the sphere a favor by forcing a… read more
Mistaking fecklessness for wisdom
Commenter Arual recently pointed out this bit of airy feminine wisdom: Some People Can Stay In Your Heart But Not In Your Life As she spoke, the sadness was audible… read more
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