Feminist territory marking, NFL style.
I’m not a huge football fan, but for the past few years I’ve clicked on a game in October only to be repulsed by the sea of supplication. I don’t… read more
Christian denial and institutional resistance to change.
Defiant Collaboration There is a widely held belief among Christians, even in the manosphere, that Christians in general are standing up against feminism and the debasement of marriage but the… read more
Biblical vs Churchian Sex in Marriage (and why Christians need Game)
Rollo from Rational Male found the youtube series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of LifeChurch.tv and was kind enough to bring it to my attention. I haven’t looked at the whole series,… read more
Conservatives enabling feminism
From the definition of enabling at Wikipedia: A common example of enabling can be observed in the relationship between the alcoholic/addict and a codependent spouse. The spouse believes incorrectly that… read more
Hostage negotiator for life?
Are you good enough to stop me from using this? Society has seen fit to hand wives the option to destroy their families on a whim in an effort to… read more
Beauty taming the savage beast.
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from… read more
Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.
Women crave the commitment of lifelong marriage and will naturally seek it out and hold their marriages together so long as they aren’t tricked into marrying the wrong man. Young… read more
Why Christians need game.
If you are a Christian in the manosphere you likely have asked the question: Shouldn’t Christians be able to learn what they need to know about men and women and… read more
Dr. Phil enforcing the feminine imperative.
Now that almost all Christians have abandoned the Biblical frame of sexual morality nearly everyone has unknowingly filled the void with what Rollo calls the feminine imperative. The new rules… read more
Why being a female is a great gift to the universe.
The most fascinating part of feminism is when you boil it down how incredibly vacuous it is. It is an unthinking grab for power, a mindless reaction against a nameless discontent. … read more
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