If we were as foolish about male sexuality as we are about female sexuality.
Several readers objected to my post Feral females in the news because they read it as me asserting that girls aged 6-9 naturally tend to compete sexually for boys. This… read more
Feral females in the news.
There is a new study making the headline rounds about 6-9 year old girls wanting to be sexy. As so often happens the actual name of the study is not… read more
How to make Glenn Stanton’s day.
An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas –Matt 12:39 Should you ever… read more
Will betas shrug?
The only way most men were kept in line, marching off to their dreary jobs, was with a Noble Lie, that it would make them honoured as heads of houses…. read more
There is no baby boomer (or silent) generation divorce spike at retirement.
There is a common theme in the media suggesting that baby boomers are divorcing in greater numbers now that they are in or approaching retirement. The most recent example I’ve… read more
New and improved Christianity, inner goddess with extra moxie edition!
Let the woman learn in silence lead with all subjection moxie. But I suffer not command a woman to teach, nor and to usurp have authority over the man, but… read more
The folly of the celibate boyfriend
When it comes to the recent invention of the concept of boyfriend, the most absurd incarnation of the concept is the form nearly all modern conservative Christians eagerly embrace; the… read more
Never marrieds piling up
Badger’s outstanding post “29/31″: A Time-Travel Video About The Wall had me wanting to see if the 2011 Census data was out. I was in luck, but it doesn’t look good… read more
What HUSies want.
In my previous post The ubiquitous frame of hypergamy the discussion has turned towards what feral women actually want. Yohami offered this insight: What I kept telling to Susan (and wouldnt… read more
Choice addiction poster child
Back in April commenter PB was kind enough to bring the following Daily Mail article to my attention: I dated 50 men in six months (and STILL didn’t find love). … read more
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