We need worthy adversaries.
We need a stronger opponent to argue with. Poking holes in Susan Walsh’s fallacies is like beating up your little red-headed cousin. –Greenlander Greenlander has an excellent point. The one… read more
The ubiquitous frame of hypergamy.
In his latest post The Abdication Imperative Rollo explains how the subconscious programming of women defines our post feminist culture. In direct contrast to conventional wisdom (but in perfect alignment… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 5: sex as a weapon.
Denying sex is the modern Christian wife’s go-to method of maintaining her control of the marriage. Judging whether he loves her sufficiently is effective as emotional manipulation, but it lacks… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 3: husbands as helpmeets.
Many of my readers are already familiar with Sheila Gregoire and her blog, To Love, Honor and Vacuum. After looking at how big name sites like Bible.org and Ask.com reframed… read more
Godly unashamed unwed mothers.
The contrast between how modern Christians treat good faithful fathers and unrepentant unwed mothers is truly astounding. For the latest installment of this, I offer you the CBN.com (Christian Broadcasting… read more
Texas U.S. Senate candidate is proud to have been raised by one of Stanton’s heroes!
I was in the car this afternoon and heard an ad for US Senate Candidate Tom Leppert. What struck me was this part: Raised by a single mom and self-made… read more
Cutting leaders off at the knees.
Several times a year men are treated to a men step up sermon, with the veneer of balance offered by the preacher telling the ladies to be patient and support… read more
When discussing the topic of changes in divorce law we typically talk about divorce theft and how this causes men to be understandably hesitant to marry, as well as the… read more
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