She’s paving the way for the trailblazers.
It is funny to think that if feminism is successful, newspapers will be printing quotes like the one below a hundred years from now (and two hundred, etc). From the… read more
She joined the feminist brotherhood.
The Seattle Times has a new article up today about a girl playing high school football: A battle for respect, then in the trenches: For Newport’s Jenna Martz, football is… read more
Raising her right
Football is clearly one of the main areas of focus in feminist mopping up activities. It was one of the final socially acceptable male spaces, so it is only natural… read more
They’re her bros.
Cane Caldo shared a video from a local newscast: Notice how this story demonstrates the two primal feminist desires that work cross purpose: Be (like) one of the guys (experience… read more
A tough spot for conservatives.
DC McAllister at PJ Media wrote a post arguing that Special K’s marketing campaign encouraging girls to play football is hurting women. Her first argument is that men, and young… read more
Hair shirts and chest thumping.
Conservative Christians are terrified. They are terrified of offending women, especially women in feminist rebellion. This creates a problem, because conservative Christians still want to condemn the outcome of feminism. … read more
NFL Super Bowl PSA: Who is the abuser?
During the Super Bowl tomorrow the NFL will be running the following PSA on domestic violence: Last year’s PSA featured a woman dialing 911 but not being able to tell… read more
Feminist territory marking, NFL style.
I’m not a huge football fan, but for the past few years I’ve clicked on a game in October only to be repulsed by the sea of supplication. I don’t… read more
Great Middle School Football Play!
I saw this on the local news. Middle School and High School football are a big deal in Texas, but this play is good enough that it might make national… read more
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