Stop Caring About What Other People Think Of You
A lot of guys getting into game want to find a way through the pain barrier of embarrassment. If only, they think, I could not feel embarrassed when I walk… read more
9 Steps For Anti-Social Men To Become More Outgoing
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel anti-social. If I’m working on a big project I go into “work mode” and tend to avoid chitchatting so I can get… read more
How To Be The Asshole That Beautiful Women Love
The following is a sponsored article by Troy Francis. Having been into pickup since around 2004, and having read a great deal of game material by many diverse authors, one… read more
Women Don’t Want Relationships With Men Who Want Relationships
A common criticism of the ‘dark art’ of game is that it is all about guys discovering manipulative tricks so that they can get as many girls as possible into… read more
A very long season (part 2).
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, –Colossians 3:12, ESV In part 1 I described the feminist life script of… read more
How To Develop A Rock-Solid Frame That Women Can’t Resist
“There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.” – Louis XIV What is a strong frame? In any social interaction, one person is reacting more than the… read more
What To Do When You Blow It With A Beautiful Girl
You might think that the worst outcome when you approach a beautiful girl is that she rejects you. But that isn’t the worst thing at all. Even more perturbing is… read more
How Achieving A “Pop Star Look” Can Drastically Improve Your Success With Women
Over the years, ROK has presented manifold relevant articles on style and fashion, both linked to game and general respectability. Here I will add my own perspective and flavor to… read more
How Game Can Improve Your Bodily Recovery During Major Health Catastrophes
I have been semi-incapacitated twice with the exact medical condition. However, the difference was that during the first incapacitation I was blue pill and married while the second time was… read more
Why Being Good Looking Is Not Enough To Be Successful With Women
Unless you have the kind of good looks that are absolutely irrefutable, relying on them to pick up women is not a robust strategy and you will have to learn… read more
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