5 Things To Do At The Moment Your Ideal Girl Walks By You
The following article is sponsored by Daytime Dating. There can be no doubt that in 2017 day game is an essential skill that all men need to learn. If you… read more
How long has Tinesha been dating?
Stephen Green (Vodkapundit) over at Instapundit has a new post up about a WSJ article: Who Pays on the First Date? No One Knows Anymore, and It’s Really Awkward. The… read more
Man up and share your feelings.
I mentioned UNCOMMEN in Hair Shirts and Chest Thumping last week. One of their recent blog posts is Her Needs Above Yours, which claims that God orders husbands to follow… read more
The Counter-Intuitive Method To Closing The Deal In Tough Night Game Pickups
Having recently travelled from Berlin to Ibiza, the two great party centres of Europe, I have as you might expect been doing quite a bit of night game. This has… read more
How To Seduce Women Using Masculine Authority
When a woman considers you to be a figure of authority, she will be far more likely to comply to your requests, she will have greater respect for you, and… read more
How Being Tired At Night Gives Off An I-Don’t-Care Attitude That Girls Love
One of the many reasons that guys avoid night game is that they are tired after a hard day’s work. While this makes absolute sense it should be understood that… read more
How To Deal With Intense Male Competition In The Sexual Marketplace
You will always face competition in the sexual marketplace—that is inevitable. What is important is that you improve yourself to the best of your ability to raise your inherent value… read more
How To Be Persistent Without Being Needy
In the show Californication, Hank Moody is a womanizing author who always has his heart with his ex-wife, Karen. Whenever they see each other, he always tries to kiss her,… read more
What Happens When You Combine The Best Parts Of Direct And Indirect Day Game
Let me start by declaring, one of the most exciting and dynamic discussions in the progression of day game is the utility of direct versus indirect approach styles. More or less it is… read more
The Ugly Reality Of Online Dating
Online dating used to be reserved for single parents and the washed up spinsters who had an easy way to lock down a beta provider as they would be the only… read more
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