7 Ways Short Men Can Achieve Higher Success With Women
After dozens of attractive girls have fallen into my athletic arms in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere, it appears reasonable to manifest that I am not short (!) of seduction ability and… read more
Can A Man Who Has Slept With Hundreds Of Girls Still Be Considered A Good Person?
If there is a secret sauce to game, something close to what the shysters and the scam artists promise when they talk of making you irresistible to women, then it… read more
Are all women addicted to aloof jerks?
In response to my last post several readers challenged my observation that Lenti is an addict of asshole game, arguing that all women are like Lenti in this regard. Damn… read more
How Robert Cialdini’s Book “Pre-Suasion” Improved My Game
Countless words have been written about the role of attention whoring in the game today. While this is considerable, it’s worth paying attention to the concept of attention itself. Specifically,… read more
Unfit for a real relationship.
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs… read more
5 Consistent Benefits Of Night Game
Those readers who listen to Roosh’s excellent Kingmaker podcast will remember an episode from a couple of months back, The Death of Night Game. Here Roosh discussed the current state of… read more
How To Meet And Date Mormon Girls
Men search the world for women that they can stand to be around with long-term. Narcissism, androgyny, obsession with pop culture—the problems with Western women go on and on. Is… read more
How The Paradox Of Ego Both Helps And Hurts Your Game
There is a paradox at the heart of game and it is this: in order to get really good with women a man must simultaneously foster a huge, unstoppable ego… read more
What Questions Do You Want Answered In The 3rd Edition Of Bang?
Before I release my new game book, I want to put out a 10-year anniversary edition of Bang with a new foreword and appendix (I will not modify the original… read more
How British Men Are Ruining Eastern Europe
In Eastern Europe, there’s a special occasion that happens every year when spring rolls around. No, it’s not flowers blooming, or the beautiful girls shedding their winter coats in favor… read more
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