Carrying on like teenagers.
Scott shares a tip on diffusing spousal friction in: When in doubt, grab her by her waist, put her on the kitchen counter and kiss her neck. Added to the… read more
5 Quick Fixes For Your General Social Anxiety
I’m a firm believer that social anxiety is really a manifestation of an underlying cause, or a series of underlying causes. Social anxiety, in my opinion, is so common nowadays… read more
5 Ways That Trump’s Presidency Will Impact Game
Since Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on the 9th November there has been a veritable tsunami of commentary from both the right and left speculating on… read more
Why Game Will Never Die
You haven’t seen many game articles from me in the past year, creating the impression that I quit the game entirely and am ready to renounce my previous books Bang… read more
How To Adjust Your Game As Your Social Value Increases
There’s a common mantra out there told to the fellas who are just beginning their journey of self-improvement: “Fake it ’til ya make it.” Which is all fine and dandy, but… read more
The Dangers Of Romantic Love
Since we were children, we have been bombarded with propaganda that romantic love is the ultimate relationship ideal. Hollywood movies, Disney cartoons, and literary fiction all portray romantic love as an… read more
Why It’s Absolutely Worth It To Learn Game
After my previous article, which advocated that men learn game as a form of self-development, I got a good amount of disagreement—most of it was not inaccurate. The majority of… read more
Women as responders
In the past I’ve shared Joel and Kathy Davisson’s theology of women as responders. Joel explains in their book: “Can’t the woman be the problem? The man is not always… read more
Game Is A Modern Rite Of Passage That Helps Turn Boys Into Men
Anyone who’s been involved in the manosphere for long enough knows about the concept of a rite of passage. For tens of thousands of years, when boys hit the age… read more
5 Habits All Successful Seducers Share
Whether you are looking to attract a long-term girlfriend or wife, or you are experimenting with shorter-term liaisons, learning the art of seduction is essential. Reams of content have been written… read more
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