The 3 Golden Rules For Getting Laid In New York City
The following article was sponsored by Naughty Nomad Hi guys, Mark Zolo here from Naughty Nomad. Over the years, I’ve contributed over 100 city guides for men in our little… read more
8 Places To Meet Higher Quality Women In The West
While anyone who travels internationally will tell you the quality of women is far higher elsewhere, and indeed American women are perhaps the worst out there, many of us do… read more
How To Make Out With A Girl Without Getting “The Cheek”
One of the key pieces of game advice that most men would do well to internalise is to become more sexual with the women they date. In my experience, the… read more
2 More Flaws I Have Discovered In Conventional Game Principles
Last week I talked about two flaws I had noticed in the crimson capsule brand of red pill game. Though these two inconsistencies are the exception to the rule most… read more
Why In Game You Should Act Before You Know What The Outcome Will Be
It is well documented that as men we are very logical beings. While not necessarily risk-averse, many of us would prefer to weigh the pros and cons of a given… read more
Flaws I Have Discovered In Red Pill Game Doctrines
Having practiced game for a few years now, I’m fairly confident that I’ve just about maxed out on my SMV. I’ve slept with a good number of females in the… read more
The Key To Success With Women? Controlling Your Emotions
When a man gets into game it is natural that his first concern is with the emotions of the women with whom he interacts. You spit a bad line on… read more
7 Reasons Why Approaching Girls In Real Life Beats Tinder Hands Down
In this digital age, the appeal of Tinder to guys seems pretty obvious. Here is an app that offers a seemingly endless supply of potential sexual partners to be accessed… read more
How Advice From Startup Culture Could Take Your Game to the Next Level
I recently read Eric Ries’ bestselling book The Lean Startup. First published in 2011, it has become something of a classic among entrepreneurs and the denizens of Silicon Valley. It’s… read more
6 Tips For Pulling A Same-Night Lay
This weekend I went to a party at a private members club in central London, where I met an attractive girl in her early twenties who turned out to be… read more
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