8 Proven Methods To Stay Unattached To Your Friends With Benefits
Whether you’re a man who has chosen to be a lifelong womanizer or indulging in some reckless slut slaying before settling down for a while, we all know that one… read more
How To Use Your Natural Horniness For A Great Daygame Session
Daygame is now firmly established as a discipline in its own right, with gurus specialising in it and offering their own particular take. In the UK, a group of men… read more
How Bad Logistics Can Ruin Your Game
The topic of logistics receives less attention than it is due in game writing, and it’s easy to see why—out of all the elements of male-female interaction you could possibly address, “make… read more
How I Tried To Turn A Ho Into A Housewife
Last week I talked about the miserable marriage I endured for seven years before pulling the ripcord and getting the fuck out of dodge after finally having tolerated enough bullshit…. read more
7 Steps To Turn Rejection From A Girl Into Useful Feedback
The problem that a lot of guys face when they get into game is rejection — and as we all know, rejection is hard for everyone. No-one likes to feel… read more
I Didn’t Think My Marriage Was All That Bad…Until I Found The Manosphere
My late bloomer article last July briefly highlighted the four relationships that had the most impact on my eventual discovery of the manosphere. Later in that article I gave a reader’s… read more
Why Using A Wingman May Not Be The Best Option For Your Game
Game, which has been defined as the art of “applied charisma,” is by its nature a social act. You can read as many blog posts and books as you like,… read more
5 Universal Truths About Perfect 10s Every Man Should Know
I was very fortunate to have found the red pill community shortly after the dawn of my sexual prime because it’s allowed me to maximize my SMV, which has given me more… read more
7 Steps To Follow When Your Game Hits A Dry Spot
We’ve all been there—it happens to the best of us from time-to-time. Perhaps you’re out of practice for one reason or another. Maybe you’ve been in a long-term relationship, or… read more
Developing Your Personal Brand Is The Key To Great Game
A lot of guys feel that they have to be a certain physical type — tall, good looking, chiseled etc. — or emulate a particular conversational approach in order to be successful with… read more
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