Are You A Soyified Game Denialist?
Regrettably, low-T men and soy boys appear to be on the ascendance in Western culture. This has a great many ramifications for society at large too numerous to get into… read more
Jordan Peterson can’t handle the truth.
Jordan Peterson tries to morally condemn pickup artists without condemning fornication: Peterson ends up twisting himself in knots, so it is possible that he had something profound in mind but… read more
3 Ways To Forever Stay Out Of The Friend Zone
When I go to the gym, I see men working out with good-looking women on a friends-only basis. I go to bars and run into a group of girls with… read more
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
When I first started blogging one regular criticism I received from traditional conservatives (especially when writing about Game) was that I was killing chivalry. For the most part I disregarded… read more
2 Reasons Why You Should Always Try To Sleep With A Girl On The First Date
A common mistake in the blue pill dating advice manual is that a man should never try to sleep with a woman on the first date. In fact, he should… read more
4 Different Types Of Charisma
So it has finally come to this, the last of my trilogy of articles pertaining to charisma. As I have repeatedly stated, the state of being charismatic is a set… read more
What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous
‘The Jealousy Game’ is a game that most women play at some point in a relationship, some more than others. The game works like this: she picks out another man, usually… read more
Why Money Is Not The Game Cure-All That Many Claim
There is a residual belief among game-denialists (and regular guys) that money trumps everything when one is looking to meet girls, but the picture is much more nuanced. Yes, of… read more
Game Is About Incremental Improvements Not Miracles
Dating advice for men is no longer in its infancy. Since 2005, when The Game by Neil Strauss came out and a lot of guys got into pickup, it has… read more
How to creep out your wife.
Sheila Gregoire at Authentic Manhood coaches frustrated Christian husbands on how to seduce their wives in In Search of the Secret Switch. To her credit, she admits upfront that she… read more
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