How To Transition From Casual Pickup To Marriage
In this article, I’d like to discuss the strategic differences between pursuing a woman for sex versus pursuing her for marriage. In particular, I want to talk about how excelling… read more
How To Meet Girls In High School Without Using Social Media
If you are like me from a couple years ago, you may find it hard to implement what you have learned from Roosh and other contributors on ROK for one… read more
5 Crucial Facts Men In Their Forties Need To Know About Game
The following article is sponsored by Troy Francis. These days there is a plethora of advice about game and dating on the internet for men, but a great deal of… read more
3 Ways To Sleep With Women At Your Job
The average white-collar man spends eight hours a day and five days a week slaving away in his office, department, or cube farm, and in-between the endless rows of soul-dead… read more
How To Meet Girls If You Don’t Have Any Friends
As a man grows older, he will likely lose a significant number of friends and valuable acquaintances, naturally leading to smaller social circles. While that is not entirely negative, since… read more
How Asian Guys Can Start Winning
The truth and reality is that a lot of people don’t know much about Asian culture other than Chinese food, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee; oh yeah, and K-pop. The… read more
5 Powerful Game Lessons from Robert Greene’s 33 Strategies Of War
Robert Greene is famous for his books on seduction. The Art of Seduction is a self-descriptive title and The 48 Laws of Power often deals with the subject as well,… read more
How I Date Girls From The Internet
In the spring of 2016, I felt absolutely great. I was preparing for a fitness show a few weeks later and my body fat was around 9%. That whole spring… read more
How To Meet Girls Who Work In Retail
Approaching retail assistants working in stores is a subset of day game that is not discussed as frequently as it should be. Department stores are filled with attractive young women… read more
The Type Of Man That Korean Girls Desire
Korean culture is essentially a hybrid culture: a mix between traditional values from Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity, and Western consumerism and liberal democracy. What is also different, besides the much… read more
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