Girls Will Think You’re A Coward If You Don’t Make A Move
She was the roommate of my good female friend. She had that blonde, girl-next-door kind of look. She’d also grown up in a town close to me. I’d hung out… read more
Always Be Prepared To Walk Away From A Girl Who Treats You Second Best
Being prepared to walk away is the only way to deal with situations where you are likely to be bested by an AMOG (alpha male other guy). Showing weakness, fear,… read more
Tinder on God Mode: How To Slay On Dating Apps
The following is a sponsored article from Hookups On Autopilot. What I’m about to reveal to you will seem counter-intuitive. If you’re the typical nice guy, this might even shock your… read more
Why Dave is sexy (language warning).
Bustle has an article by Emma Lord about a Reddit post making the rounds: “Dave The Period Fairy” Has Become A Viral Sensation After A Woman Shared A Nightmare Hiking… read more
How To Meet Girls When You Have Practically No Time To Run Standard Game
One of the drawbacks of getting deep into game and studying all its subtleties and nuances is that there’s a danger you’ll stop seeing the wood for the trees. After all,… read more
4 Tips To Improve Your Verbal Game
However handsome, jacked, rich, or well-connected you are, there’s one equaliser in game that all guys face: you have to be able to hold a conversation with a girl. And… read more
How Most Relationships End
People ask me when I ‘took the red pill’ (as much as I dislike that phrase). Was it when my girlfriend of five years cheated on me with two guys… read more
6 Quick Game Tips For Meeting Ukrainian Girls
I just spent a month in a second tier Ukrainian city, to determine whether this country would suit me for a long term stay. I passed through there last summer… read more
I Went To Paris To Visit A Girl And She Gave Me The Cold Shoulder
Most men are somewhere in between “alpha” and “beta” behavior, depending on context. Since romantic betatude is generally detrimental for attracting women, a man would have to change his inner state… read more
PUA Game Is Not Enough To Keep The Girl You Like
Broadly, there are two types of “game.” The first type is pick-up artist (PUA) game: the art of meeting girls and getting them to go out on a date—or more…. read more
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