Why Is Day Game Such A Grind?
Anyone who has tried game in more than one of its forms (day game, night game, online game, social circle game, etc.) are aware that day game offers a particularly… read more
The Problems With Teaching Men How To Find A Wife
I recently read an article by Michael Perilloux titled How To Catch A Wife, the latest example of how modern game teachings have impacted traditionally-minded men. Unfortunately, I believe Perilloux’s advice falls… read more
Should You Travel To Meet A Girl You Like?
If you game internationally, meeting girls in different cities or even countries, it is inevitable that you will like some more than others. This is fine and only to be… read more
5 Positive Side Effects Of Improving Your Game
Does a man improve himself and make certain lifestyle choices, such as to traveling and lifting weights, in order to be better with girls, or are girls just a positive… read more
How To Play Real-Life Tinder
I was hanging out with an Italian friend recently when he asked me if I wanted to play “real-life Tinder.” Intrigued, I agreed. He positioned me at the top of… read more
5 Ways To Find Out If A Girl Likes You Or Not
Troy’s recent article about building comfort had me pondering an important question related to my overall game style – should you try to force indicators of interest out of a… read more
What Is The End Game Of Game?
A question I’m often asked—and one that I’ve often asked myself—is this: if game is the journey then what is the destination? A constant refrain is, “Do I keep hitting… read more
4 Incredibly Effective Ways To Build Comfort With A New Girl
There’s a famous quote from infamous early PUA Mystery that goes ‘the game is played in comfort.’ Unfortunately a great many of us—myself included—nod sagely when we hear this, only… read more
How To Adjust When Moving From Hedonistic PUA To Long-Term Lover
Previously, I have outlined the contours of an optimal personality profile and emphasized what I consider to be the three crucial factors that determine the bulk of your dating success (looks,… read more
3 Crucial Factors That Determine The Bulk Of Your Dating Success
Below are three main factors that largely underlie success with women. One is not enough; a male needs some degree of all of them. These have been identified after 20… read more
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