Gamer Gate
Reflecting On One Year Of #Gamergate
It’s been over a year since the events that led to Gamergate occurred. It’s been an interesting year, and it is amazing that the consumer revolt that popped up around… read more
Have SJWs Gone Too Far By Defending A Known Pedophile?
For those of you who have been keeping an eye on Gamergate for the past year, perhaps there are a few names you have come to recognize, one of which… read more
Why Does Anita Sarkeesian Wear So Much Makeup?
After years of attacking those who generate and enjoy the make-believe games of their choice, Anita Sarkeesian has developed quite the celebrity profile (and cash-flow to go with it). What hasn’t… read more
New Gaming Media Sites Are Emerging
Just as GamerGate was about to start, there was a massive buildup of outrage about the games media on the imageboard known as 4chan. The anonymity of posters on 4chan… read more
This Is What #GamerGate Taught Us About Social Justice
Ever since its inception, GamerGate has been violently opposed by SJWs, who are a funny bunch indeed. They claim tolerance but are actually the most intolerant group imaginable, turning on… read more
Why Has #GamerGate Remained Alive While Occupy Wall Street Failed?
Do you remember Occupy Wall Street? OWS started out as a starry-eyed movement that was supposed to bring down the corrupt capitalist oligarchy, ending financial inequality once and for all…. read more
Wikipedia Turns Against #GamerGate
What’s the first thing you do when you’re looking for an answer to any question? You Google it, of course. And which website regularly has its page with the answer… read more
#GamerGate, #MetalGate, And The Campaign Against Creativity
As the anti-GamerGate movement starts to lose its momentum, close on its heels is what is becoming known as #MetalGate. Although the push for censorship in metal music and the… read more
#GamerGate Draws Attention To A Game Banned On Steam For Having A “Racist” Trailer
SJWs are simply relentless. It seems as if they don’t sleep or rest at all, but merely dedicate their whole lives to finding new ways to attack, shame and blame… read more
Target Australia Stokes #GamerGate By Removing GTA V From Its Shelves
Video games have come a long way from being just a simple form of entertainment that could only represent its imagery in the crudest form imaginable. Not only did playing… read more
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