Gamer Gate
Not Even The Supreme Court Can Stop #GamerGate Now
While so far GamerGate hasn’t achieved any dramatic victories, it certainly did manage to thoroughly dismantle the mainstream narrative and perception of gamers as “misogynist, neckbeard basement dwellers.” This happened… read more
SJWs’ Latest Attempt To Silence Critics Backfires Gloriously
As we’ve seen countless times before, SJWs absolutely loathe criticism. They will go to any lengths to stifle criticism and silence not just who they perceive as the opposition, but… read more
Geordie Tait’s Epic Meltdown Shows Who #GamerGate Is Up Against
We all have an emotional crisis from time to time. It’s understandable, because we’re human after all and having uncontrollable emotions is just a part of the package. On some… read more
ROK Now Has A Little Brother: Reaxxion.com
As I wrote on my blog yesterday, I’m proud to announce the official launch of a new video game site called Reaxxion. It is based on the ROK model where articles… read more
This Arthur Chu Interview Shows How SJWs Play Professional Victims
GamerGate has been going on for more than two months now and shows no signs of running out of steam. That’s because GamerGate is a genuine grassroots consumer movement, without… read more
Anti-#GamerGate SJWs Claim Victimhood While Doxxing Their Enemies
Mike Cernovich is one of the latest victims in the full-blown war on gaming, male spaces, and masculinity known as GamerGate. You’ve may have heard of him through Danger & Play,… read more
#GamerGate Proves That No Hegemon Is Everlasting
It seemed a typical September day in 490 B.C. Summer was turning into autumn, but the change in the seasons was probably not very apparent. Warmth still filled the air…. read more
Why GamerGate Could Be A Turning Point In The Culture War
GamerGate has morphed from a seemingly-innocuous case of infidelity to perhaps the single dominant issue in the blogosphere in less than two months. As such, yet another piece on the… read more
The Revolutionary Implications Of GamerGate
At first I was confused why GamerGate was such a big deal. So feminists reportedly screwed their way through the video game industry and pretended to be victims of male… read more
Why Feminists Want To Destroy Gaming
In recent decades, gaming has been one of the few areas of mass entertainment where creative freedom was not subject to the politically correct whims of the day. But in… read more
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