20 Memes That Capture The True Nature Of Women
Despite their simplicity, memes have a true power. They are essential tools to spread an opinion and convince a vast audience. They are effective because they are relatable, easily shared… read more
Are You Too Young For A Mail Order Bride?
The following article is sponsored by International Love Scout. A lot of guys under thirty-five or so look at the girls on international dating sites and say, “Dear God! These… read more
Women Use Social Networking To Feel Loved
When the iPhone started gaining popularity, I wrote about how it makes women less capable of love. It puts them on such a thrilling roller coaster ride of attention and… read more
Female Journalist Admits She Uses Dating Apps With No Intention Of Dating
Via BBC: How did you start your day? Coffee? Shower? Maybe you woke up early for a workout. I woke up early, too – to do some swiping. Every morning,… read more
The Myth Of The Happy Married Life
I recently searched “marriage” on ROK, assuming some of the top results would discuss reasons why men should opt-out of monogamy, an idea mentioned in ROK Community Belief #2. Instead,… read more
19 Types Of Younger Women Who Love Older Men
The appeal of older men to younger women beyond the strictly “gold digger” transactional urban legend is fully embodied in one phrase: “The Most Interesting Man in the World.” Dos… read more
4 Predictions For Women And The Dating Market In The Next 20 Years
You’ve read Bang four times and honed your game over some years. What’s next? Well, for a start, take note of the changing environment around you. And changing it is. Though… read more
4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date a Girl Who Likes Beyoncé
Liking Beyoncé is much more subtle than having green hair but it’s often an indicator that a woman is an extreme leftist. I’ve discovered a direct correlation between how much a… read more
The Masculine Man’s Survival Guide To Banging Slutty Feminists
Obviously, the first consideration is, why date feminists at all? Some guys refuse outright; others can work with it. Really, it’s all about numbers. If you’re on campus (which is… read more
18 Reasons Why You Should Never Date Or Marry A British Woman
What I’m about to say will offend some people, most likely women and of the British kind. But you know what? I don’t care, because this needs to be said. Hurting… read more
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