5 Reasons Why You Should Never Date A Girl In Recovery
“Recovery” is the term most associated with people who are in current addiction treatment or who are sober but continue in some form of sobriety program. The most common of… read more
Teenage Girl Gets Scammed By Fake Multimillionaire On “Sugar Dating” Site
Websites for “sugar babies” have become trendy, thanks to modern technology, declining public morals, and an unbalanced sexual marketplace which exacerbates female entitlement complex. It’s a hot new way to… read more
3 Things American Girls Can Learn From Japanese Women
We’ve heard it all before: tales of the Far East enraptured in mystique and intrigue. Men of yesteryear such as Marco Polo and Lafcadio Hearn taking the roads less traveled… read more
10 Reasons You Should Not Date A Girl From Canada
It has been four months now since I have returned to Western Canada from Europe to sort myself out. Unfortunately, I am still stuck here for a little while longer…. read more
It’s Time To Bring Back Slut Shaming
There are many things in the past that we have forgotten about. Some of those things were seen as superstitious, controlling, or even inhumane. One of those dark arts is… read more
17 Ugly Women Who Became Stunningly Beautiful
While David G Brown’s recent article is pretty eye opening, it’s a little pessimistic. We need to temper all the bad that happens in this world (like beautiful women becoming ugly)… read more
“Micro-Cheating” Is The Newest Feminist Bludgeon To Control Male Behavior
The latest fixation of feminists is “micro-cheating.” Their very loose and fast definition states that it is “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person [read: man] is emotionally or… read more
30 Beautiful Women Who Became Ugly
Men need to realize that women will hit the wall by their own efforts as much as nature and aging will do it for them. Plenty of guys have dated… read more
Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies?
Hey kids, let’s talk about rape! It’s apparently all the rage nowadays, with the shrieking yentas that run the world in the 21st century never ceasing to stop talking about the… read more
30 Signs That A Woman Has Slept With Over 100 Men
I have had my fair share of women. While some encounters were a truly positive addition to my life, most were sluturions (“slut” plus “centurion”) who’ve dealt with one-hundred spears…. read more
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