Grey Divorce
What millionaire doesn’t dream of having children with a 47 year old divorcee with three kids?
From where else but the Daily Mail: Divorcée, 47, seeking romance on dating agency which promised the ‘crème de la crème of bachelors’ WINS £13,000 in court battle after it failed… read more
Being divorced is their essence, but don’t label them.
My own divorce story is woven into many posts usually as part of my commentary at the end of each post. I have, however written a few posts specifically about… read more
A long term commitment to selling divorce.
A recent MarketWatch article on “gray divorce” made me want to revisit the topic. Interestinly while the article itself doesn’t seem to have changed since it was first published in… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 1).
I’ve written previously about the modern Christian cross-dressing view of marriage, where wives are in absolute headship and regularly need to give their husbands wakeup calls to establish their authority. … read more
Selling grey divorce (everyone’s doing it).
Earlier this week Vox Day quoted from a recent Daily Mail article: According to the Office of National Statistics, the number of ‘silver divorces’ has risen by three-quarters in the… read more
Hold her beer and watch this.
Laura Lifshitz is back, asking Do the Men Move on First Before the Women, After Divorce? Every time I have told someone about the divorce, all I hear is, “He… read more
There is no baby boomer (or silent) generation divorce spike at retirement.
There is a common theme in the media suggesting that baby boomers are divorcing in greater numbers now that they are in or approaching retirement. The most recent example I’ve… read more
Eat, Pray, Cats
There are two competing narratives when it comes to women divorcing. The first is the feminist narrative: I don’t need a man! or A woman needs a man like a… read more
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