Grey Divorce
Marriage and Longevity
Scientists have discovered that if you never have sex, you will live forever. At least it feels that way. (author of joke unknown) Does marriage cause you to live longer?… read more
Are Women Done With Men After Age 55?
In my post on Advanced Divorce Sales, commenter Rhen suggested that women lose interest in men around age 55: “Women in long-standing marriages tend to want to move on more”…Part… read more
Intermediate guide to selling divorce; overcoming women’s better judgment.
In this course we will cover how to overcome the most common concerns women have about divorce, as defined in the previous course. Objection #1: They will likely lose the… read more
A Beginners Guide to Selling Divorce.
If you’re reading this, I assume you are or want to be in the difficult business of marketing divorce. This is a beginners guide, but some of you veterans out… read more
Google censors my match.com exposé
I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support the manosphere has provided to my exposé on match.com’s far fetched Single in the Suburbs “column”. I want to sincerely thank all… read more
Match.com responds, and a new pic of the author.
Here is the response I received from Match.com Public Relations: Hi Dalrock, Thank you for contacting Match.com. This series was presented to us by the author as a firsthand account… read more
Single in the Suburbs: How Match.com sells your wife post marital spinsterhood.
My wife is constantly finding absurd relationship and dating advice columns offered to women and sending them my way. She finds them whenever she logs into juno.com to check our… read more
Stats on the reasons for divorce.
One old saw when the topic of frivolous divorce comes up is you never really know what is happening in someone else’s marriage. The premise being that even those apparently… read more
Isn’t it time you left your husband?
In his recent post on the Spearhead, Jack Donovan linked to this stomach turning piece from July of last year in the Atlantic (be sure to watch the slideshow). What… read more
Addiction to divorce fantasy is also about power.
As recent readers know, I’ve been poking at a massive sore spot for some of my female commenters lately with the themes of post marital spinsterhood and the remarriage strike. … read more
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