God, guns, and single mothers.
Spoiler alert: This post discusses the plot of the movie The 15:17 to Paris. I had the chance to watch The 15:17 to Paris last week, a movie the critics have brutalized. … read more
The changing “thoughts and prayers” narrative from the left.
With the full court press by the left condemning figures on the right for offering “thoughts and prayers” for the victims of the Florida mass shooting, it is worth noting… read more
Sporty spice had *one* job.
Back on April 12th I wrote Sporty spice defends Springfield Armory’s legacy. For those who aren’t familiar with Springfield Armory’s new brand image, Springfield is identifying itself as the feminist… read more
Overwatch for the carousel?
Vox Day has a post up on a new shirt he designed for Crypto Fashion: One of Vox’s readers thought I would have an issue with the message of the… read more
Gotta ask the boss.
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy… read more
She’s got balls.
Via Drudge, a tragic story from the local CBS station in Chicago: Family Attacked By Teens Who Cut In Line At Six Flags “Fright Fest” The melee started about 8:45… read more
Cleansing the palate.
As a matter of mercy, I thought I would include some manly videos this Friday after the sickening fruitiness of Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church worship video. First up is… read more
Kickass conservative gals.
From the discussion of both my post on manface and girlpower characters it is clear that even in the men’s sphere there is much love for “strong women”. In my… read more
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