When seconds counted, the police were only three hours away.
This is off topic, but there is an aspect of the news reports regarding the terror attack on the gay nightclub in Florida which doesn’t add up. According to the… read more
Piper’s debilitating fear of saying “no” to women.
John Piper wrote in Co-ed Combat and Cultural Cowardice: If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying no woman… read more
OT: National Ammo Day
Instapundit is reminding readers that today is National Ammo Day. Instapundit also noted yesterday that Obama is suggesting that he will spend his last year in office focused on gun… read more
Thank goodness daddy can’t really protect her from bad guys!
World Net Daily has a story on a man who was arrested after his four year old daughter drew a picture of him with a gun (emphasis mine): …Sansone’s 4-year-old… read more
Chivalry and protecting the weak.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. –Attributed to George Orwell Every time you engage in violence,… read more
The value of men as protectors.
Chuck at Gucci Little Piggy has a great piece titled Insurance Men, where he challenges a comment made on another blog that men’s role as protectors no longer adds real… read more
Overcivilized men, uncivilized women.
This post is the second part to two very different previous posts. A while back I wrote the post Calibrating Attraction by Controlling the Venue. That post met with general… read more
The five stages of violent crime
This post is slightly off topic, but none of what we talk about on this blog matters if you can’t keep yourself and your family safe. When it comes to… read more
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