Pride of ownership.
According to Spirit Halloween, the top selling Harley Quinn costume item is a choker with the word Puddin on it (Harley’s pet name for the Joker). Popular culture tells us… read more
Hot Crazy Feminism vs Dumpy Lesbian Feminism
As I explained back in August, the real problem with the Ghostbusters reboot was not that it was too feminist for audience sensibilities. The real problem was that the women… read more
Well behaved women seldom make history
The latest Wal-Mart Halloween commercial here in the US reminded me of grerp’s post Piece of Advice #74: Do not confuse being difficult with being strong: If only girls have… read more
The word “husband” as bragging rights.
One of the more common misconceptions in the manosphere is that women don’t place any cachet in being married. A surprising number of men have inadvertently swallowed the feminist misdirection… read more
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