Having it all
Marriage and children were always her priority.
I recently came across a heartbreaking article at National Catholic Register that underlines why all of the books aimed at young Christian women telling them to focus on having fabulous… read more
Taking things too far.
What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. This seems to be an artifact… read more
To everything a season.
Commenter constrainedlocus observes: I’m still digesting all of this, but I think one question that I have is what are men really thinking in these commensurate age groups? Even if… read more
A very long season (part 1).
For several decades now the feminist life script for women has been to delay marriage as long as possible to focus on education, career, travel, and sexual experience. Many have… read more
Being divorced is their essence, but don’t label them.
My own divorce story is woven into many posts usually as part of my commentary at the end of each post. I have, however written a few posts specifically about… read more
Jane’s noble path to marriage.
Seriouslypleasedropit comments on Most men are not afraid of commitment: Bob and Jane have some sort of prelude romance and move in together. Either because Bob is just that cool,… read more
She didn’t stick the landing, and she won’t leave the floor.
When Eat Pray Love came out, it appeared that Elizabeth Gilbert had successfully navigated her way through steps 1-8 of having it all. But to succeed in this game of… read more
Feminist Atlantic waxes conservative.
The Atlantic has a love-hate relationship with men’s economic contributions. The magazine alternates between gloating that feminism has destroyed men’s economic status once and for all, and worrying that men… read more
Father’s Day doublethink.
A few weeks before Father’s Day the Mirror picked up a post by married* mommyblogger Constance Hall: Mum’s heartfelt post reveals 7 ‘facts’ about single mothers which people keep getting… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
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