

  • She who must be obeyed.


    One thing I have to admit about Pastor Driscoll is that he is an incredibly talented preacher.  Part of this is his unmatched charisma and a gift for teaching.  He… read more

  • Message received.


    I’ve referenced Pastor Driscoll’s sermon Men and Marriage in several recent posts.  This is the sermon to watch, or better yet, read, if you wan’t to understand what I was describing in The… read more

  • Slow your roll


    A little over 400 comments into the discussion of Radio Silence and Dread, a blogger by the handle Prov Erbs asked: Please help Dalrock or anyone else! What does Christian… read more

  • Radio Silence and Dread.


    Vox weighed in on the sex denial spreadsheet that has gone viral with his post Mortification Game: The fact is that she’s feeling incredibly humiliated and defensive. And since in… read more

  • Is marriage just a piece of paper?

    Is marriage just a piece of paper?


    Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage.  See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more

  • Denying the existence of feminism.


    Women want to marry and have daddies for their babies.  But if they can’t find good men to commit themselves to, well…  Our most pressing social problem today is a… read more

  • Headship Game.

    Headship Game.


    With our recent discussion on the appropriate use of Game for Christian men, I thought it would be helpful to offer some detail on how this can be done.  I’ve… read more

  • No room for headship here.


    As I explained before, all too often the topic of domestic violence is raised not in a good faith effort to protect against real abuse, but as a club against… read more