Hillary Clinton
Amateur hour.
In an interview with Hanny, Julian Assange refutes the claim that Russia masterminded the leak of John Podesta’s emails. Even if Podesta hadn’t swallowed the phishing hook, his email password… read more
Pocket pouting
One of the greater misconceptions about feminism is that men can fix the problems feminists are complaining about. What isn’t understood is the base impulse, envy of men and the… read more
Hillary’s nasty woman brigade.
Trump struck a cord in the final debate last week when he called Hillary a “nasty woman”. Business Insider’s Linette Lopez is convinced that ordinary women will rush to self… read more
Hitler Learns Wikileaks Released Democrat Campaign Emails
When I saw that Ecuador cut off Assange’s Internet access I decided to try my hand at satirically scripting this famous scene. Language warning. read more
I vote for scold
Scott Adams speculates on how Trump might rhetorically disarm Hillary. He points out that the sexist card has already been tried and failed. When Hillary called Trump sexist, Trump fired… read more
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